Health Benefits Of Matcha Green Tea

As of late, you can’t walk into any cafe or coffee shop without seeing Matcha Green Tea on the menu. Matcha green tea is a form of powdered green tea packed with a lot of natural chemicals to keep you living your best life. This form of green tea has become incredibly popular and many studies have shown the numerous health benefits behind this tasty treat. The earthy drink originated in Japan and has recently made its way across the world blessing us with its rich taste, pretty green color, and so many health benefits. Matcha is grown very differently than regular green tea as it is grown out of the sun, and once ready to harvest, a stone is used to grind the tea leaves into a fine powder.

Health Benefits Of Matcha Green Tea

Don’t get turned away by the green color of Matcha. The vibrant color represents just how healthy and earthy this powder is for you; and there are so many studies out there to prove it. Because with Matcha you are consuming the entire tea leaf rather than just the concentrate, you receive all of the additionally rich benefits compared to just drinking a regular cup of green tea. For anyone out there looking to live a healthier life (aren’t we all?), a daily dose of Matcha can do wonders!

Health Benefit #1: Can Improve Your Heart Health

Studies have shown that Matcha Green Tea can reduce your risk of heart attack or stroke even more than drinking regular green tea. Having Matcha as part of your regular diet can really make a difference long term in your heart health. Studies show that those who drink green tea have almost a 31% lower chance of developing heart disease. Kick your morning cup of coffee to the side and start making a Matcha latte instead – future you will thank you for it!

Health Benefit #2: Matcha is Loaded with Antioxidants

Antioxidants are so important to living a healthy life, and the more that we can get, the better we will feel in the long run. They protect our bodies, and a study shows that Matcha Green tea has more antioxidants in it than any other superfood. The most potent antioxidant in Matcha is epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). EGCG relates right back to keeping your heart healthy as it can help with inflammation and keep your arteries healthy. Plus, since you are consuming the entire tea leaf rather than drinking tea from a bag, you intake so many more antioxidants. Just one cup of Matcha Green Tea has more antioxidants in it than pomegranates, blueberries, and spinach combined!

Health Benefit #3: Energy Without High Amounts of Caffeine

Because Matcha is a form of green tea and comes in powdered form, you experience fresh energy rather than the caffeine jitters you probably get out of coffee or energy drinks. The amino acids within Matcha keep you alert and calm giving you a more mild and longer energy buzz. Without all the extra sugar, you’ll get a stable boost of energy. And then come back down gently without any sudden crashes. 

Health Benefit #4: Is Great For Your Skin

This health benefit is enough to keep me excited for my daily Matcha latte. Because of all the healthy and natural ingredients inside of Matcha, it can do wonders for your skin. All the chemicals, extra sugar and creams we put inside of coffee, definitely doesn’t help to keep our skin clear. Because of the EGCG antioxidant inside of Matcha, it can reduce redness and inflammation. The fine powder form that Matcha comes in increases your complexion and eliminates any signs of aging from your skin by protecting against the sun’s UV rays. The best part about all of this? You can turn Matcha powder into a face mask!

Health Benefit #5: Can Keep Your Teeth Strong and Healthy

I think we all know how bad coffee is for our teeth. But we continue to ignore the side effects it has on our oral health. Coffee is very acidic and can stain your teeth if consumed in high amounts for a long period. By drinking Matcha instead of coffee, you are keeping your teeth strong and healthy by not overloading your mouth with all the extra sugars and creams which keep your mouth free of bacteria and plaque build-up.

Health Benefit #6: Gives You Better Cholesterol

The older we get, the more concerning cholesterol becomes in our health. There have been so many studies done regarding Matcha and our cholesterol showing that it increases good cholesterol and reduces the bad. When cholesterol becomes an issue, that can lead to heart complications. Which prove even more just how good this is for our bodies

Health Benefit #7: Can Help to Lose Weight

Remember that awesome antioxidant EGCG I keep mentioning? Well, that pairs with the caffeine in Matcha to boost your metabolism in a natural way to increase the rate that your body is losing calories. Green tea has always been pretty prevalent in weight loss supplements. But the extra health benefits within Matcha Green Tea (keeping your heart rate and blood pressure stable) gives you an added bonus if you have weight loss goals. 

Health Benefit #8: Easy to Prepare

Okay, now this one isn’t directly one of the health benefits, BUT because of how easy it is for me to whip up a Matcha Green Tea latte, there is no excuse to not make it a part of my daily diet! You can order Matcha powder online. Or pick it up in some shops allowing you the creativity to determine just how you want to consume it. A very popular way is in latte form. Or you can simply use the powder to bake it into your favorite dishes or desserts! (And don’t forget you can make a face mask too!)

Matcha Green Tea is something I have incorporated into my daily diet since I first tried it and learned just how beneficial it is to our health. Next time you are at a coffee shop or stroll through the tea aisle at the market, make sure you buy some to give it a try!

Emily in Paris pink tweed jacket

Hi there! I'm Katie, a San Diego-based fashion and lifestyle content creator. Styled Wanderlust is a source of inspiration for casual feminine style + scenic travel destinations.

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